I say just enjoy your risk-free flirting and crushes and even porn. (The fact that all the exposed genitalia is external helps what is, of course, a visual genre.) So it’s perfectly understandable that you would be drawn to same-sexuality. Gay guys, having been told since youth that their deepest desires are forbidden, have in response developed the strongest libidos this side of Bonobos, and that is often on display in their X-Rated fare.
What's going on with me? Am I a gay man trapped inside a woman's body? Am I just avoiding my own relationship challenges? Or am I simply enjoying the openness and androgyny that SF affords me? He Said: Gay porn indeed tends to be hot. Not only do I spend a lot of my social time in gay bars, I also get crushes on my gay friends (which they laugh off, mostly), and I've even taken to watching gay (male) porn, and find that I really like it. But I'm starting to get worried that I've become too absorbed in their circle and am moving away from my own chances at a heterosexual relationship. I love their vibe, their humor, and how much fun I have with them.